There are many ways to give to support American Martyrs’ mission of spreading the Gospel here in Bayside, Queens. Please consider:
1. Cash, check, or weekly envelope donations. If you are not currently receiving envelopes, please call the rectory office to register.
2. Bequests – Have you included the Church that you love in your will? No gift is too small.
3. Gifts of real estate or property – houses, vehicles, boats, etc.
4. Gifts of appreciated securities – gold, silver, and artwork.
5. Life insurance gifts – annuities or gifts payable upon death.
6. Stocks or bonds.
7. Combined federal campaign and other workplace matching contributions.
American Martyrs Parish also provides a secure online giving service. You may use this feature for all your giving and tithing needs.
If you would like to support American Martyrs with a donation offline, please call (718) 464-4582 or mail your donation to:
American Martyrs Parish
79-43 Bell Blvd.,
Bayside, NY 11364
Your generosity is greatly appreciated! God Bless you and your family.